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Using Control Center
On You iPhone & iPad

(Great Features – Easy Access)

Have you ever wanted to quickly adjust the brightness of you iPhone or iPad’s display?

Maybe you wanted easy access to Airplane mode, or Wifi, or your alarm clock?

Or you forgot your reading glasses and you need an easy way to see your menu or Playbill in the dark. Do you want an easy way to read the small print on a pill bottle?

You can even quickly access a calculator to figure out how to split the bill, how much to tip, or how many gallons of gas you can get for $50.

There is an easy way to get access to all these features, and more with just a swipe on your iPhone & iPad!  

These features are in Control Center. 

To access the Control Center, either swipe in and down from the top right corner of your iPhone or iPad, or swipe up from the very bottom, depending on your device. If one doesn’t work, try the other.

Start with your finger slightly off the display. It takes a little practice, but once you have done it a few times, it becomes easier.



P.S., I will cover Samsung and other Android smartphones and tablets in a future posts.