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Spotlight Search

(aka: How do I find…?)

Have you ever needed to find something on your iPhone or iPad, but don’t know where to look or you just can’t seem to find it? 

Have you ever said to yourself, “I used to have that app, but I can’t find it. Where did it go”?

Or do you remember a conversation with a friend about an upcoming event, but don’t know if it was an email, a text message, or some other app?

Maybe you made a note in your Notes app, but you don’t remember which note it was in.

Fortunately, your iPhone and iPad have a simple way for you to search for almost anything on your iPhone or iPad. 

It is called “Spotlight Search”, or simply “Search”.
Spotlight Search is easy to use. It is available on your iPhone and your iPad.
Spotlight Search is a quick search option that enables you to search for almost anything on your iPhone or iPad.

a.    For example, you can search for applications on your iPhone & iPad. You might find this easier than scrolling through different pages and looking in different folders to find the app you are looking for. I use it for this all the time.

b.    You can quickly search your contacts, by name or keywords within the contact.

c.    You can search words in texts, emails, notes, or other apps, all with one simple search.

To access the Spotlight Search, simply Swipe Down From The Middle area of the Home Screen, then type in the word, name, app, etc., that you are looking for.
The best thing to do is experiment. Play with it. Once you’ve used it a few times you’ll see how convenient and useful it can be.

Additionally, many apps also have the search function built in. Either look for the magnifying glass, or the Search Bar. You might have to pull down on the screen to reveal the Search Bar.
Here is a short video demonstrating how to use Spotlight Search:
Click on the video to view a demonstration



P.S., I will cover Samsung and other Android smartphones and tablets in a future posts.