(707) 981-4409

Wow, it’s hard to believe the holidays are almost upon us!

If you haven’t already done so, it is time to tart thinking about buying gifts for everyone. You need to by gifts for family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors. Sometimes it literally does feel like everyone.

You probably divide your purchases into three broad groups:

  1. Those closest to you, where you are willing to spend the largest portion of your budget.
  2. Those close to you, but hey let’s be realistic, you can’t spend as much on them.
  3. And, everyone else. The people you want/need to show you thought of them, but there are limits to how much money you have.
I’m sure I fit into one of the above groups, hopefully the first. (Just kidding)

Over the next few days/weeks I’ll be posting some of my suggestions here and on my Twitter and Facebook pages.


I’ll start with the most important category first, #1 above.  These days, everyone is talking about smartphones and tablets.  Unless you feel very comfortable with technology and are want to be a little adventurous  I would stay with the obvious choices: a) iPhone/iPad, b) Kindle Reader/Kindle Fire HD, or c) Samsung Galaxy Note/Tab.


They are all equally good and each one has its pros and cons.

Of course if you are looking for a phone, then you need to choose between the iPhone and one of the Samsung phones, which run Android. The best bet is to get one that is compatible with the people you communicate the most.  So if most of your friends and family have a Samsung, then stick with that. If they have an iPhone, you should stick with that.  If you are totally on your own, I recommend the iPhone because it is a little easier to learn and has the “safety” and “convenience” of the App Store.


The same applies for a tablet.  I recommend one of the iPads (iPad retina or iPad Mini) or the Kindles (Kindle reader or Kindle Fire HD). If you already have Apple products, you get a good synergy by sticking with an iPad.  If you are more price conscious, then a Kindle is great.

I have included two charts below to help you with the decision process. Keep in mind, this is all overly simplified.  I will try to add more details over time. In the meantime, please let me know your thoughts, or if you have any questions.

Smart Phone or Tablet? (Click on image to expand).
Which Tablet? (Click on image to expand).
Please continue to check back for more of my suggestions and hints here and on my Twitter and Facebook pages.