Watching expenses on your iPhone. Are you worried that your kids will spend too much on your iPhone while playing games?
There is a very simple solution:
Just make sure that In-App Purchases are disabled.
This is very easy to do and you easily have the option of re-enabling them yourself if needed.
Here is the sequence:
1) Settings –> General –> Restrictions –> On/Off (You want this “On”)
2) Tap Restrictions – If they are already “On”, you will need to enter your 4 digit password
3) If Restrictions are “Off” tap “Enable Restrictions”
4) Scroll down to “Allowed Content:”
5) Look for “In-App Purchases”
6) Make sure “In-App Purchases” is set to Off.
7) There is no 7, that’s it! Once this is set you do not have to deal with it again. If you want to make an In-App purchase, simply turn it on as needed.
NOTE: While you are there, check the other restrictions settings and set as you wish.
Have Fun,
Richard – The iTechTutor