The news is out! Apple has announced its newest iPad — the iPad3. Stay tuned for a list of it’s latest feature. I will also help you answer questions such as “Should I buy an iPad 2 or an iPad 3” or if I already have an iPad should I upgrade to the newest iPad?
lol it doen’t have flash so theres no way it could play nlfietx and no cam and no mutli-tasking one app at a time o and it as iphone os so its a iphone/ipod touch but in 10in screen version gayest thing ever if u really want a tablet pc wait for the window 7 ones to come it has the same windows that runs on a computer so u can do everything a computer can
True, it does not have Flash, but it can run Netflix thru it’s Netflix App. The iPhone and iPad also support a simplified version of multi-tasking. You need to keep in mind the target audience of each device. I highly recommend the Apple products for people who need good/great functionality with ease of use and reliability. If you need Windows compatibility or different features a Windows or Android device might be appropriate.